Latin abbreviations found at the end of words.
Read the first part of this series about abbreviations at the beginning of words here.
The most common things abbreviated at the end of words are:
-us, -m (two endings), -que (English meaning: and, put before the word to which it is glued)
Hover over the images to see the transcription!
The sign for the ending -us resembles a 9 at the end of the word.
The abbreviation sign for -m can look like the last letter’s hook or flourish was prolonged upwards like an ornament or it can be a separate vertical or almost horizontal line above the last letter.
The abbreviated -que can look like only a -q or can have a longer line or some flourish downwards or to the side.
In our next blog post we are going to write about one-letter abbreviations for Latin words.
See you next week!
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Judit and István
Historia Translation
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