We specialize in the history of Hungary’s region, which includes parts of Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia.

No matter if you are stuck at the beginning or hit a brick wall after several years of research  – you can entrust us to proceed or see if and how you can proceed.

Of course, in history research there is never a guarantee for finding data, but with our guidance you can at least be sure to have looked everywhere worth it.

You can read about our research stories, tips and curiosities here in our blog.

We can continue your research only if you have given us all relevant informations (found documents, listing the resources where you have researched already and your questions). This way your make the work easier and faster, that means cheaper for you and more successful. 

We will write you all data we have found, make photos of documents if you wish, download and save online pictures etc. and send you everything in the form you wish (online or shipping). We will always write you where and what we have researched and what not. You can be sure about getting all informations.

Before ordering research apart from our field of expertise (the history of Hungary’s region, which includes parts of Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia), please write us (judit@historiatranslation.com) to check whether we can take on the task. 

For starting a new family tree from scratch you need to gather this information first: data and extant documents in the family, birth, marriage, death certificates, full name of all persons involved, nicknames, dates, domiciles, workplace and other relevant places, family stories. 

To order research please scroll down and fill in the form. Minimum first order amount: 2 hours.

The fee is $ 25 / hour, excl. additional costs of the research.