1. Company data:


Name: Genealogia Kft

Address: 2030 Érd, Folyondár u. 59., Hungary

E-mail: historiatranslation@gmail.com

Facebook/Messenger: HistoriaTranslation

EU Tax ID: HU24765569

Hungarian trade register nr.: 13-09-167050


2. For some of our activities (newsletter, orders, invoicing) we are collecting your relevant data and use an automation system, e-invoicing system, bank accounts, accountant and a webhost. These data processing companies and parties are:

  • automation: Salesautopilot Kft., 1089 Budapest, Golgota u. 3., trade registry nr: 01-09-286773, statistic nr.: 25743500-5829-113-01; tax ID: 25743500-2-41
  • PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. (L-1150 Luxemburg)
  • invoicing: Octonull Kft., 1085 Budapest, József körút 74. I. em. 6., trade registry nr: 01 09 198177, tax ID: 25073364-2-42
  • webhost: Profitárhely Kft, 6000 Kecskemét, Szolnoki út 23., trade registry nr: 03-09-121889, tax ID: 23173080-2-03, dataprocessing registry nr: NAIH-74049/2014
  • Slága Andrea accountant, 1213, Budapest Hajós utca 4/A, tax ID: 68037011-1-43

We never sell your data and never forward them to other companies, the data are processed only by our own and the above companies.

Upon your request we delete your data from our database.


3. Collected data

  • first name and email in case of downloading free material or newsletter subscription
  • full name, email, invoicing address, phone number (and tax ID if company) in case of orders or payments


Goal of data collection:

  • sending newsletters or offers,
  • fulfillment of orders and invoicing


4. Data storage


  • basically we store your data for indefinite time, but we delete them upon your request within 36 hours
  • we store the data of persons downloading free material and not subscribing to our newsletter for 30 days, then we delete them


5. You can request via e-mail to review or alter or delete the information we store about you: judit@historiatranslation.com

This is also the e-mail address for complaints and issues.

We will answer within 3 workdays.

According to  GDPR Article 20 you have the right to receive your personal data stored by us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.


6. For the sake of data security we don’t open unknown e-mails, don’t download dubious software and don’t use unknown pendrives. We use Windows Firewall and Avast Antivirus. You should watch out, too.


7. We comply with GDPR Article 30 (records of processing activities) via the system of Salesautopilot.


September 2018