
The column date in Latin birth registers


Have you already searched for your ancestors in Latin church registers? You may have noticed that in birth registers, there are sometimes two dates in one row or column. There may be separate columns set up for them named “dies nativitatis” and “dies collati S. baptismi/baptismae/baptisationis/baptismus”. If however there is only one column “dies” (day), there may be two dates in the same column. These two dates are always those of the birth and the baptism. (Or there may be only one date, we will write about this in a next post). Why is it that these two dates are sometimes the same [...]

The column date in Latin birth registers2019-01-15T10:05:18+00:00

Microhistory: Being a mother – exhibition in the Hungarian Natural History Museum


Microhistory: Being a mother - exhibition in the Hungarian Natural History Museum   As genealogists, we would like to know the whole lives of our ancestors, we would like to imagine how, in which circumstances they could have lived. This way the data turn into real life humans in front of our eyes. The temporary exhibition in the Hungarian Natural History Museum helps us just in this point: it discloses the fate of single people through births. Of course we know that neonatal mortality was high, but it is still staggering to read that Joseph Weiskopf, a tanner living in Vác in [...]

Microhistory: Being a mother – exhibition in the Hungarian Natural History Museum2019-01-24T10:12:44+00:00

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